Do you
believe in love at first sight? I’m not really sure if I do or not. I suppose this phenomenon could depend on who
or what you are falling in love with when you first see it or them? I think the
definition of love needs to be brought into consideration here in order to
really answer the question. At times
like this I like to consult my trusty Dictionary & Thesaurus and having
just done that I’m now very confused as to whether or not falling in love at
first sight is possible.
Here are some of the definitions of love and you will
see why I’m struggling with this……warm affection, sexual passion, whole hearted
liking for something, feeling a strong emotional (and sexual) attraction for,
cherish, hold dear, idolize, worship, savour, desire, caress, cuddle, embrace,
fondle ….and the list goes on and on and can also mean a nil score in tennis by
the way!
Now looking at some of the definitions above I would say that it is certainly
possible to fall in love at first sight with, let’s say a huge cream gateaux in
the window of your favourite cake shop. Desire,
caress, fondle and savour could definitely apply here too but if I were to apply
those same definitions to a raven haired beauty I spotted in a nightclub I most
likely would end up being escorted off the premises to a waiting police vehicle and
that’s without even resorting to embracing and sexual passion!
Love at first site is a commonly used phrase
and I’m beginning to think it’s a phrase that’s bandied around far too easily
unless you are indeed talking about cream cakes or Ferrari s’. But then again cuddling and fondling a Ferrari
that belonged to someone else could see you taking the short walk to the
waiting Police vehicle again so I’m still confused!
Maybe we
need to take a couple of steps back here and say that desire or lust at first
sight is certainly possible but surely in order to really love someone you need to know
them? How can you idolise and worship
someone you don’t know? I don’t believe
you can. I have seen stories of people
who claim to love, idolise and worship someone they have never even met but
that’s usually in the form of a front page story in the Sunday papers after the
restraining order has been served on the besotted individual who is then dubbed
a stalker! I believe a lot of people confuse initial
animal passion with true love. Hey don’t
get me wrong animal passion is great and a fantastic way of getting things
started and it’s brilliant if you can maintain it throughout a long relationship
but real and lasting love is so much more than just an urgent need to get
inside each other’s pants at every opportunity. For me real love is unconditional. Real love sticks around when the going gets
tough. Real love is there for the long
haul and doesn't sling its hook because the journey through life has had to
take a detour across unexpected bumpy terrain.
Love at
first sight is easy if indeed that’s what it is. At first sight there are only positives, no
complications or challenges, just two people falling in love and it’s a great way
that the Universe has developed for matching us up to our ‘Soul Mate’ but then
we need to take the reins from there and build on the foundations to create
real and solid love. Yes you have to
work at building a loving relationship... maybe work is too strong a word because
if you have to work too hard then maybe you are with the wrong person but you
certainly need to nurture your new found love pretty much like a gardener
nurtures and tends a beautiful garden in order to bring it out in all its
vibrant, colourful glory.
When I first
met Trudie more than 30 years, ago she was that raven haired beauty in the
night club and all the definitions of love certainly applied for both of us
that night. I reckon I could have got
away with some embracing and fondling, without being escorted to the Police car but chose instead to be the perfect gentleman and controlled my lust. I think I knew deep down that there would be
plenty of time in the future for passion and so our relationship began....
It was young
love without complications or problems. It was easy and happy go lucky love
that grew with each day that we knew each other more. There were no plans for
the future as we enjoyed each moment as it came. It was so, so easy to be in love and it was as
if we were the only two people in the world.
We were at
the getting to know each other stage of our lives without commitments to
mortgages, bills or anything long term. The furthest we looked ahead was
planning which club or party we would be going to next weekend or where we
would go on holiday next summer. Love on
that basis is easy. Love on that basis
takes no effort because to you the other person has no fault’s, they are
perfect in every way. There is not a thing in the world they could do or say
that could even remotely irritate or bug you.
young love like that is so perfect it’s easy to see why couples decide that
they want to spend the rest of their lives together. They can’t imagine life being anything other
than the perfect joy and bliss they are experiencing at that moment in time and
the lifetime commitment to marriage seems to be the obvious next step. They want the feelings they have for each
other to last forever and of course that’s only natural. No one gets married while their new found
relationship is ‘a little bit iffy’ with the idea that they can grow into a
loving couple with time, do they? Well I
would hope not, surely it’s the other way round because if the relationship is
not strong to start with how can you cope with the stresses and strains of life
that will surely come along to test your resolve in the future?
beginning to answer my own question here and I’m going with the theory that
love at first sight does not exist and here’s my reasoning….
I've already
said that I met Trudie nearly 30 years ago but as it happens she had actually
spotted me some time before. She was
walking down the high street in Preston with her girlfriends and pointed me out to
them and proclaimed that she was going to marry me! I don’t know exactly when she saw me and
certainly I had no idea that she was planning a trip to Pronuptia to look at
wedding dresses or I might have set about getting the restraining order served
on her there and then but one thing I know for sure is that because I was out
in town I would have been spruced and preened and looking and acting my best. I’m a good looking (and as I keep saying a
modest) guy so Trudie could be excused for thinking she had fallen in love with
me at first sight but let’s imagine a slightly different scenario had taken
What if in
the imaginary scenario when Trudie first spotted me I was picking my nose, scratching
my arse, belching and farting (not that it would ever happen but go with me on
this)…. Would she have been so quick to
point me out as the man of her dreams to her mates and announce her new found
love? I don’t think so! Yet fast forward 30 years to now, and imagine
we are walking through town together and we bump into the same friends and after
those 30 years I am still busy picking my nose, scratching my arse, belching and farting, is she going to pretend
that I’m not with her? Is she going to
make out like she doesn't know me? No she would not. She may be bloody annoyed and no doubt
embarrassed but she would own up to being with me because she has grown to love
me over 30 years in spite of my (imaginary) appalling habits.
Do you see
where I’m coming from with this? Real
love is when you love someone as they say ‘warts and all’ and I’m not saying
it’s ok to behave like a complete slob in front of your partner because she
loves you come what may, I’m purely demonstrating that another old adage is
true, the one that says ‘to know me is to love me'.
I’m being
light-hearted and frivolous here in order to make a point but let’s get serious
for a while…
This loving
the person you know thing is a two way street. You both have to get to know each other
because if it’s only working in one direction then the relationship is doomed
to failure. In the scenario I painted
earlier where I was acting like a slob in front of Trudie’s friends I said she
would in the main overlook my appalling behaviour because she had grown to love
and accept me for who I am over 30 years. However in that 30 years I should have grown
to love and know her well enough to realise that behaving in that way would
upset her (no shit Sherlock! But you know what I mean).
I’m not
saying you have to live your life by the other person’s rules. Far from it and I will talk more about that another
time but I am saying that with true love grows a respect and understanding for
your partner’s likes and dislikes and your behaviour towards each other
harmonises to a mutual satisfaction to the point where you both act the way you
want to as individuals without upsetting or offending the other person. I’m not saying you become ‘as one’ either,
because it’s your differences that attract you to each other and keeps things
interesting. I’m saying share the same experiences as different people…. two
individuals who find each other interesting, fun and exciting to be around. Two individuals who know each other well
enough to know what makes the other tick. Two individuals who know each other
well enough to be able to make the other happy and find that making the other
one happy gives you a great feeling of achievement and satisfaction.
The best
thing I get from making Trudie happy is the payback of how good it makes me
feel! Just think about that for a
moment….making the person you love most in the world happy makes you feel
happy. It’s the exact opposite to a
vicious circle and you know what?... It comes back to you tenfold as the other
person reciprocates and you have two opposites to a vicious circle (I’ll have
to find a name for it, a happy sphere maybe?) intertwined! How good is that!? It’s brilliant but it doesn't just happen, you
have to pay attention to what’s going on in your relationship. You have to know what makes your partner happy
and the way you do that is by getting to know them. Ask yourself what on the face of it may sound
like a really silly question but here goes…do you talk to your partner? I mean really talk as in meaningful
The reason I
ask is because of something I see far too often usually in restaurants.... Couples out together for a meal where there is
just the two of them sitting and eating in complete silence or just exchanging
the odd words such as “pass the salt please”. I've seen old couples like this looking
thoroughly fed up with each other’s company as if they have completely given up
on each other after 40 or 50 years of being together. I've seen middle aged
couples who look as though they are out together simply as a way of being away
from the kids for a while and I've seen young couples who are more interested
in texting on their mobiles as opposed to talking to the person sat right there
in front of them.
I’m not
exaggerating here I see it all the time and have to wonder if on a night out
where you specially set aside time to be together, if you are not talking, then
when do you really communicate with each other? You have set aside quality time away from
work, away from the kids and you have nothing to say to each other? That’s not
working at a relationship, that’s being lazy in a relationship and the idea of
‘let’s go out for a meal’ becomes just a token gesture, something you think you
maybe should do because you are a couple. If you are going to sit there in silence you
may just as well have gone to the cinema where silence is appropriate or simply
stayed at home slumped in front of the TV. Don’t let it get to that and if it has it’s
never too late to change things for the better.
The old
couples in the restaurant must have years of brilliant memories to share if
they put their minds to it and you are never too old for romance. The middle aged couples can talk about the
kids they left at home and complement each other on the wonderful job they have
done in bringing them up and talk about the great times they have had as a
family. The young couples need to put
away the iPhones and start getting to know each other properly in order to plan
the wonderful future they will spend together.
What’s the
first thing you want to do when you first meet somebody you fancy? You want to
get to know them in order to develop the relationship. You also want them to
find out who you are, you want to impress and naturally as human beings we work
hard to create a great impression in order to get close to the person we want. We talk and flirt and entertain. We take care
with how we look and behave in an effort to create the best impression we
possibly can to someone we hardly know. In
short we do whatever it takes to get them. So why then all too often in too many
relationships do we stop making the same effort as when we were strutting
around like Peacocks in the early months and years?
Why does the
person you grow to know now deserve less of an effort on your part? Why should we succumb to apathy or laziness in
our relationships? How can it be right to take your partner for granted the
more you get to know and love them? Surely
it should be the other way round where you want to give more and more of
yourself as you fall deeper and deeper in love with that special person?
You know the
saying ‘You’re as young as you feel’? Well I think the same can be said of a
relationship. You can keep a relationship young and fresh by maintaining the
same mind set as you had when you first got together. I don’t mean you have to act like the oldest
swingers in town and get your selves down to the disco (not that they call them
that now) every Friday. I mean stay interested in each other. Unless you are
joined at the hip you will both be leading separate lives, working at different
places, meeting different people every day and having different experiences, so
how often do you really talk to each other about your day and who you met and
who did and said what?
You will
have different moods and feelings about all manner of subjects and topics in
life so how often do you sit and discuss how each of you is feeling or do you
both just take it for granted that all is fine and dandy with your other half
so there’s no real reason to talk?
On a
personal level my conversations with Trudie now are far more interesting than
the conversations we used to have on first knowing each other all those years
ago because unlike then I really know who she is now. I know her likes and dislikes and what makes
her tick. Likewise she knows the same
about me and though you may think that knowing each other so well means there’s
nothing to talk about quite the opposite is true. There’s always something to chat about or
discuss and even now after thirty years we still find out new things about each
other and when that happens it’s really mind blowing!