
Sunday, 25 May 2014

Hijack #2 - Jaja's Christening Speech!!!

Hijack #2...

It's me again!  And so far Lloyd doesn't even know I've been hijacking his blog and I had so much fun last time I thought I'd do it again... 

So the other day I was searching through some things and I came across this, it totally overwhelmed me so I thought I'd share it with you.  I remember Lloyd's delivery of it on the day, it took my breath away and it still does!  It's little things you come across on a daily basis that make you feel blessed truly blessed - I love being reminded to always count my blessings ...

Jaja’s Christening Speech – Lloyd Thompson

6th June 1999

I would first of all like to thank everyone for coming today.

Now everyone here is either a close friend or family member and therefore you all know how long we waited for this little chap to come along.  I think you all know just how much it means for Trudie and myself to be given a ‘Most precious gift from God’ or as they would say in Nigeria ‘Jaja’.

What has surprised both of us though is just how much he means to all of you.  After he was born we received over 200 cards of congratulations and the hall carpet is wearing thin with the number of visitors beating a path across it on a daily basis with gift a plenty – (so think yourselves lucky you got an invite to Jaja’s coming out party)!  Seriously though, it’s so touching to see the genuine love that so many people have for him from his Grandparents to Godparents and all of you.

As for Trudie and me, well six numbers on a Saturday night couldn't replace the jackpot that we've hit.  There’s a saying that goes ‘Mothers hold their children’s hands a while and their hearts forever’ – I think that’s true of both parents.  Lots of you here today are parents, Trudie’s parents, my parents and their parents, you all know that feeling of holding your Child's heart forever, we are so grateful to have joined the parent club, to be given the opportunity to hold his little heart. 

So whatever you are drinking please raise your glasses to ‘The most precious gift from God’ or as they say in Africa Jaja! 

Monday, 19 May 2014


Hello Lovely People, my name's Trudie and I'm the other half of Lloyd and like the title suggests ... while the cats away the mouse will play ... So I decided to hijack his blog mmmm so here goes! ...

Anyone who knows Lloydie (full version would read Lloydieroonypoohs!) would describe him as a real trooper, a happy trooper and a lovable trooper.  He is kind and he's generous and he never ever complains about anything EVER no matter the adversity he has endured and I should know, I dragged him through 12 years on IVF treatment!  Lloyd would always say "Don't waste one single minute of your precious life feeling sorry for me because I'm fine and dandy like a million dollars", and he just gets on with it with a smile on his face, a song in his heart and even, on occasion, a dance around our kitchen/dining room/lounge/hallway/bedrooms/bathroom/landing etc. on one occasion he actually conga danced over our bed with me in it!  Well apparently I was en route!!

As you are no doubt fully aware Lloyd is presently compiling a book to honour all the football stories from the real life fans who have had to live through the excruciatingly harrowing experience of their sacred football stadiums being uprooted and moved to newer, I suppose more efficient, safer grounds - quite a huge task to take on but suffice to say he is doing a magnificent job and he has managed to obtain many stories some very amusing but some are so poignant they bring a tear to the eye.  I believe this book will be a beautiful gift to the memories of so many true and loyal fans.


I have attached Lloyd's own memories of his beloved Bolton Wanderers moving from Burnden Park to the Reebok Stadium and I am asking that you forward it onto anybody at all, please don't preempt whether you believe anyone would be interested or not, just please please forward and let's see how many more stories we can produce between us.  So if you're on Facebook then please post, if you're on Twitter then please tweet, if you're on LinkedIn please post ... you get the idea and I know you will all want to help me help him, it will be a fantastic surprise next time he comes on to see that I've been up to my mischievous meddling shenanigans - it's one of the reasons he married me!

So I'll sign off now but before I go I just want to say a huge thank you for all your kind support of this great man who I get to call my dear sweet hubby.

Bless you all and I send you big hugs and kisses and a bag load of love.

Yours in great anticipation,

Trudie xx