
Monday, 25 November 2013


You could be forgiven for thinking the title of this latest post is referring to the 'Billboard Hot 100' 1988 No1 hit by Rick Astley but it's nothing to do with that really as I have simply borrowed those words to use as the title for my soon to be released e-book.
Writing comes easily and naturally to me as I transfer my thoughts through my fingers to my keyboard with very little effort...until it comes to titles as for some strange reason I always seem to struggle to come up with something I'm truly happy with. I think the title of a book or blog should convey some clue as to what the reader can expect to find in the main text so the name of my new book was the very last piece of the jigsaw to be added.

The book itself was 27 years in the making. Not that it took me so long to write it but as ever I write about life, love & relationships and this past week-end saw Trudie and I celebrating our 27th Wedding Anniversary. The comedians among'st you may quip "You would get a shorter sentence for committing murder"...though I suspect the vast majority of those comedians would be of the male species and that little observation in itself gives a hint towards the reading content of 'Together Forever'...

I don't think the vast majority of men in relationships are anywhere near as good as they could be and while 'it takes two to Tango' it's more often than not the man who fails to truly master the emotional steps of the 'Marriage Tango' and in my book I attempt to give a few tips and pointers to the guys that I hope will help them to be more successful in their relationships. I've not resorted to writing a boring list of do's and don'ts for men to follow, the book is more a series of anecdotes and observations from my own life where I have explained my perspective viewpoint.

What qualifies me to be doling out my 'pearls of wisdom' to you?...well nothing really if you are looking for letters after my name that show me to be some sort of 'Marriage or relationship Councillor'. However if you think 27 very happy years in a mixed race marriage where we have encountered 12 years of infertility problems, the loss of a business and ultimately Bankruptcy gives me a platform from which to speak then buy my book and see how we have made our lives together work no matter what we have been through. That said, if you are expecting 'tales of woe and heartache' you may be dissapointed because I don't do 'woe is me' and neither does Trudie and that's probably the main reason why we will indeed be 'Together Forever'
